Mouth guards are strongly recommended for those who play sports with or without braces. Please contact us and we would be happy to make you a custom mouth guard for whatever sport you are playing!

For patients who currently wear braces, we offer a free mouth guard. Because teeth are moving during braces treatment, a custom mouth guard is not an option. Patients must wear more of a generic mouth guard that fits around the braces during treatment.

Here at Taylor Family Orthodontics, we are committed to helping you feel healthy and comfortable with your smile. Mouth guards often prevent damage to sensitive areas of the mouth. We can provide you with durable mouth guards to properly shield your teeth from potential damage. Dr. Robert Taylor is eager to consult with you and find out how to best help you maintain strong, healthy teeth.

To inquire about receiving mouth guards in Orem, Utah, contact us today at 801-226-6611 and schedule a consultation with our well-respected orthodontist!